Welcome World to my Philosophy School

Hello World. I am Thiago Zoroastro.

What is the mind? It is not matter. What is matter? Never mind! I am Natürphilosophie thinker, Free Software enthusiast & happy Debian GNU+Linux user. Asgardian

Nature is all of us. The matter is source of all knowledge. But would we to know everything of the universe!? Wisdom also is about humility to admit that probably we can't to know all of everything.

Even so, the knowledge deserve to be got.

I am a disbeliever of knowing something we can't to touch, to observe, to test and verify. Then I won't be admiting we can to be wise about the soul. Because the soul is not something palpable, tangible. The soul remains withing of the camp that we don't do discoveries.

Once we can to know what the mind do with the matter, secrecies of nature could be unfold.


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Notáveis Filósofas Gregas

Hoje é dia de solicitar isenção da taxa de inscrição para o E.N.E.M.

Por que escrever à mão é tão importante